
The students have been very busy this week. Yesterday we were privileged enough to have the Ringwood Secondary School Band come and perform for us. They played many songs that we were familiar with including The Simpsons theme song and Bob the Builder. They were all very clever!

We then had to rush off to make it to our swimming lesson. We are all doing very well and are getting quicker at getting ourselves organised before and after swimming each week.
 Here are Shekinyah, Osten and Bailey kicking away.

 Hannah and Bethany just completed a lap of the pool.
 Hannah is doing a great job of following her swimming teachers instructions.
 Roy is relaxing waiting for his next turn.
Dylan and Luke are enjoying their time in the water.
Shekinyah was brave and jumped into the water.
Dion waiting patiently for his next turn.

Then today, we had another Bluearth session where we focused on different types of walks and making sure we did them controlled - we had to remind ourselves it wasn't a race.

 Bethany and Hannah trying the lizard walk.
 William and Bailey also had a great go at trying to walk like a lizard.
 Osten's lizard walk was very controlled. Look at him go!

 Osten, Dylan and Jasmine also enjoyed experimenting how to walk like a lizard.

 Luke did great at the handstand walk.

 William was ready for a rest after this walk.
 Hannah and Bethany were giving this a great go. Bethany had so much fun she decided to do it on the way back rather than walking.

Today we had the Camp Quality puppets perform at Wangaratta West.  It was an educational program using muppet style puppets to deliver a fun and positive message about supporting children living with cancer and other serious illnesses.

The information shared aims to help children heighten their awareness of the need to care for and support others who may look, or be a little ‘different’, particularly because of physical problems, such as hair loss, because of cancer treatment.

The children thoroughly enjoyed this show. The puppeteers did a fantastic job and provided us with lots of laughs. 

On Tuesday afternoon, we were lucky enough to have Miss Stewart come and demonstrate to us how to spin wool into yarn.

 Unlike last week when Doug sheared his sheep for us which had white wool, Miss Stewart breeds coloured sheep, so the wool from her sheep is dark brown.

 Miss Stewart has a portable spinning wheel which she uses to spin the wool.

 The yarn winds onto the bobbin.
 The spinning wheel twists the wool to make it stronger as it winds into a long thread. Miss Stewart uses her foot to push the peddle up and down which spins the wheel in her spinning wheel.

 Miss Stewart showed us how to make rainbow coloured wool by winding different colours together from the bobbins.

 Miss Stewart showed us the niddy noddy, (what a great name!)
 The yarn then gets put onto the swift so it can be rolled into balls for knitting.
Miss Stewart showed us some of the things she has made out of the yarn. She knits, felts, crochets and weaves the wool to make nice clothes to wear in the cooler months.

Thanks to Miss Stewart for taking the time to come and demonstrate spinning to us. We learnt so much. It was a great afternoon.

As part of our quest this term  we are learning about farms and farmers and how they provide most of our food and what we wear. This morning we had the privilege of Doug coming to our school where he brought along 3 of his sheep and showed us how to shear them. He was full of information about sheep and what they provide for us.

 The sheep came to school in the back of Doug's ute.
 The sheep stayed very still.
 These sheep were only about 7 months old so this was the first time the shears had been used on them. We learnt that this happens once a year.

 The sheep were looking very white by the end.
 Doug told us about how there is a little hair left on the sheep to stop them from getting sunburnt on warmer days.

Look at all the wool!

Thanks Doug for taking the time to come and show us how to shear sheep and for sharing lots of your knowledge with us. It was a great experience and we had a fantastic time even if the wind was a bit chilly.

Every morning we have a fruit break during the morning session. Each Wednesday we are lucky enough to be provided with a tub of yummy fresh fruits for all students to enjoy. We are very thankful to all the parents in our school community who are able to give up their time to cut this up for us. Here we are today, enjoying the tasty fruit.